21st JULY 2024
The new Stevenson and Stand are finally here! Delivered Saturday evening, I had to build the stand. The Stevenson is now in situ as of 17:00 on Sunday 21st July. Hoping that will alleviate some of the overread on sunny mornings from 09hrs to Midday
17th JULY 2024
Unfortunately, the new Stevenson didn't arrive as anticipated last week. However, I have been 'promised', direct from the manafacturer himself, that it will be with me this comming weekend.
7th JULY 2024:
I have finally received confirmation that my new Stevenson and stand will be delivered by the end of the coming week. Its been over 8months, so hopefully, with a professional standard screen in place, this will alleviate some of the over reading on sunny days from around 8am to midday. I will update when the new Stevenson is finally in situ. I am still hopeful that I will be able to move within the next few months, and then be able to site the Stevenson in a more reliable location, and also erect my anemometer again.
10th JUNE 2024:
I haven't updated this section for sometime. You may have noticed that I've made a some design changes to the right hand side of this main page, and have now added the World temperatures list. Also design changes to the 'Yesterdays's extremes panel. On the Monthly reports page, have made similar changes to how the data cells are dispalyed.
Unfortunately, I am still at the place I moved to 3 years ago, so, still cannot site my anemometer, and because of the siting of my Stevenson Screen, i will still over-read when clear sunny mornings. There is a possibilty that I will be moving in the near future to Fletton, and would then be able to site my anemometer again and Stevenson in a much better environment allowing proper air flow through the Stevenson. I have had new Stevenson on order for over 7months now, so hopefully, being a 'professional' standard screen, that will also alleviate any over reading of temperatures under sunny Spring and Summer mornings.
My automatic rain gauge is still poorly sited within a rain shadow, causing the auto rainfall live updates to under read. I eventually update these readings by using a 'manual' calibrated rain gauge. Again, if and when a move happens, the automatic gauge will be sited correctly allowing better accuracy.
* Current Conditions may reflect 'Dry'/'Stopped Raining' when it is obviously raining. Unless rainfall is moderate/heavy during any rainfall, it can take a while for even as little as 0.1mm to be recorded, hence, the perceived 'incorrect' description of 'Dry'/'Stopped Raining'